-- seethingSmoke [SS] began pestering riptideTraipser [RT] at 17:48 -- SS: HEY SS: ARE YOU THERE SS: I KNNOW YOU ARE RT: Yes RT: I am here! SS: DO YOU STILL USE THAT AIR ELEMMENNTAL FOR YOUR GRAPHICS PROCESSOR RT: Yeah, I haven't really had a chance to change et since I haven't been home en a while. SS: OH, STILL ONN YOUR WAGONN RIDE RT: But why, are you offering me a new one? =P RT: There are no wagons underwater, man. RT: But I see what you are saying, so yes SS: WHAT ARE THEY THENN RT: Well RT: They are hard to describe RT: Basically a combination of submarines and boats RT: Also they are totally called suboats SS: SUBOATS RT: That es not a thing I just made up SS: THAT IS RIDICULOUS SS: SO UH RT: Psh RT: Yes et es SS: SHUT UP RT: Oh yes. Back to the topic SS: STOP INNTERRUPTINNG SS: AGH SS: STOP IT RT: Ok! SS: THANNK YOU SS: SBURB COMMES OUT TODAY MMANN RT: Oh RT: That's right SS: WHENN DO YOU GET BACK FROMM YOUR SUBOAT PARTY RT: We're heading back right now, so I'm not entirely sure. RT: But RT: I'm pretty sure I can make et home before my copy arrives =D SS: WHAT TIMME IS IT INN THE DARK DEEPS NNOW RT: 8:55 SS: ARE YOU KIDDINNG SS: INN THE AM OR PM RT: Also I'm pretty sure I've told you the time difference a hundred times man RT: 3 hours ahead of you SS: ARE YOU SURE THE DD HAS A SUNN SS: I MMEANN REALLY SS: ANNYWAY SS: SO YOU'LL DEFINNITELY BE HOMME INN TIMME SS: BECAUSE I SWEAR I AMM RIPPINNG THE BOX OPENN AS SOONN AS IT COMMES RT: Let's hope so. RT: Well et es multiplayer, correct? SS: YEAH SS: ARE YOU TELLINNG MME I HAVE TO WAIT FOR YOU RT: I'm afraid so! Unless you plan to connect to someone else first =P SS: I DUNNO MMANN SS: I WAS JONNESINNG FOR YOU RT: Alright, I'll do my best to hurry then! It's up to Chief though =/ SS: THAT'S THAT MMEANN FISHGUY RIGHT RT: Yes. Yes et es. SS: HOW TALL IS HE RT: Taller than myself, I haven't asked. RT: ...So RT: I kind of have to rush off now. SS: WHAT SS: WHY RT: Returning home, remember? SS: OH YEAH RT: Faster I get back, the faster we can play SS: GOOD POINNT SS: SWIMM-SPRINNT HOMME MMANN RT: I'll do my best, man! -- seethingSmoke [SS] ceased pestering riptideTraipser [RT] at 18:01 --